The Green Zone - "La Baleine"
The European Digital Ocean Pavilion will be located within the Green Zone, known as "La Baleine" (The Whale), at Nice’s Palais des Expositions, commonly referred to as Palexpo.
The Green Zone is an interactive space where the general public can explore, learn, and engage with ocean sustainability. At its center, the European Digital Ocean Pavilion, the largest pavilion, will showcase cutting-edge innovations shaping the future of marine conservation.
Opening hours
The European Digital Ocean Pavilion will be open daily from 2 to 13 June, from 10 AM to 8 PM.
The Blue Zone - A Global Hub for Ocean Action
The Blue Zone at UNOC 2025, set in Port Lympia, Nice (see picture), is the conference’s core, where global leaders, scientists, and organizations will shape the future of our oceans. Though restricted to accredited participants, its influence extends beyond, with 50+ vessels symbolizing global commitment to ocean protection.
Discussions will tackle pollution, climate change, and overfishing, driving policies for marine life and coastal communities. While public access is limited, livestreams, media coverage, and Green Zone events offer ways to stay engaged.
Opening hours
June 9 to 13, opening hours to be confirmed by organizers.
Access: Restricted to accredited participants (government delegations, UN agencies, organizations, and media)
Media Accreditation: Open until May 17, 2025